About Us

A Union just for cleaners

Throughout the pandemic, Cleaners have been treated as dispensable and replaceable. They were given the title of ‘key worker’ only after the pressure had eased, and had the title without any of the benefits that key workers have.

Many cleaners are being forced to work in unsafe working conditions and are over-worked and underpaid. They are threatened with the loss of jobs if they do not continue to work in these conditions. Unfortunately, service providers are taking advantage of the fact that cleaners don’t have any rights and threatening to fire them if they don’t work in these conditions.

The Cleaners Union will put a stop to these gross abuses taking place against cleaners.


The Cleaners Union is a Union representing Cleaners throughout the UK. We are an organisation that stands up for the rights of Cleaners and helps provide them with a voice to speak out against the exploitation and abuse taking place within the workplace.

No other Trade Union supports the rights of Cleaners throughout the entirety of the UK. The majority of Trade Unions are generalist Trade Unions that focus on the larger industry. However, The Cleaners Union is a Union representing solely Cleaners within any space working throughout the UK.


We are a non-profit organisation, so none of our funding goes to expensive overheads or investors. We are fully committed to supporting cleaners in the workplace, and we would like to use this presentation to give you an overview of how we would like to do this as well as demonstrate how vitally important it is that we do.

Within the Cleaners Union all members will have equal rights and will be represented equally by the Union. By unionising with other Cleaners there comes a great strength in numbers. All workers will have organised and collective strength through this organisation.

The Cleaners Union will be transparent in how the Union is run, and the members of the Union will be central to our organisation. We will be held accountable to you. Through the Cleaners Union we aim to achieve solidarity and a commitment to the protection of Cleaners’ rights.

Together we are strong and divided we are vulnerable.

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