I am a cleaner

A Union just for cleaners

Membership benefits

  • On average workers that are part of unions are paid more than those that are not members of unions- the percentage difference is around 12.5% higher pay! This is because workers gain strength from numbers and can organise together to negotiate pay and conditions rather than leaving them up to managers.
  • The Cleaners Union will help collectively negotiate better pay and conditions on behalf of their members
  • If you feel that your workplace is unsafe, not providing you with the correct equipment or protection then unions can help! It has been noted that organisations that have Trade Unions have half the infirmity and injury rates than those that manage health and safety without liaising with unions.
  • The Cleaners Union recognises the spike in complaints against companies and agencies not providing suitable equipment for cleaners- especially during the pandemic. The Cleaners Union aims to improve these conditions and help its members thrive in a safe work environment.
  • It is very important to the Cleaners Union that there is awareness of the fact that no member of a trade union can be penalised or discriminated against for being part of a Union.
  • The Cleaners Union will aim to serve their members’ best interests. The aim of this union will be to create an organisation where a diverse workforce can gather in solidarity and organise.

The Cleaners Union will represent you within your workplace. Ensure that you are protected from workplace discrimination and help you access your rights to the fullest by ensuring that you are being treated fairly.

Join the Cleaners Union!
Get Organised!