I am an employer

A Union just for cleaners

The benefits of recognising the Cleaners Union as an employer, including

  • Recognising our Union would give you a significant competitive advantage and will also help build a strong a reputation for your organisation as a fair, reliable employer who treats their staff well.
  • Workforces backed by a Trade Union which their employer recognises often have low a lower? employee turnover. For you this would be incredibly beneficial as it would save time and money spent on training new employees for the business in the long run.
  • Working closely with the Cleaners Union will mean your employees feel supported and safe. You will avoid costly workplace disputes by making sure not to create the conditions which breed them.
  • The Cleaners Union will be able to reinforce your credibility as a positive employer in an environment where reputation is central for commercial success
  • Due to the Cleaners Union partnership with CADRE, we will be able to offer an alternative dispute resolution service that will ensure that all disputes with employees are solved without the need to go to Not only will this guarantee to be less time consuming and better financially, but it will also make negotiating with employees much easier.
  • Working with the Cleaners Union will ensure for your organisation that all negotiation processes are dealt with efficiently and effectively. Instead of contacting individuals separately or negotiating individually you will be able to eliminate the stress of handling disputes separately if you deal with Union representatives. Dealing directly with our Union would mean that the added stress of having to go to time consuming and expensive employment tribunals could be removed. This will ensure increased outputs and will mutually benefit the employer and the employee.
  • Due to the Cleaners Union partnership with CADRE, we will be able to offer an alternative dispute resolution service that will ensure that all disputes with employees are solved without the need to go to court. Not only will this guarantee to be less time consuming and better financially, but it will also make negotiating with employees much easier.
  • Working with the Cleaners Union will ensure for your organisation that all negotiation processes are dealt with efficiently and effectively. Instead of contacting individuals separately or negotiating individually you will be able to eliminate the stress of handling disputes separately if you deal with Union representatives. Dealing directly with our Union would mean that the added stress of having to go to time consuming and expensive employment tribunals could be removed. This will ensure increased outputs and will mutually benefit the employer and the employee.

Working with the Cleaners Union will ensure that your organisation will have fewer disputes and all negotiation processes will be dealt through the Union and CADRE.

Due to the relationship that will be established with the Cleaners Union and you, the employer, there will be a clear mode of communication regarding workplace issues ensuring that there will be clarity around contentious issues, and that disputes and potential disputes will be resolved much more quickly due to the Cleaners Union participation.

Recognise the Cleaners Union today!

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