I use Cleaning Services

A Union just for cleaners

Guarantee that the Cleaners Union will ensure that cleaners are being treated ethically

  • The Cleaners Union ensures that Cleaners are treated ethically and supported within their workplace. A number of organisations employ cleaners to undertake sanitisation work and to ensure that the buildings, offices, restaurants, hospitals and other workplaces are clean and orderly. However, how many agencies come with a guarantee that the employed Cleaners are being paid national minimum wage, being provided the correct protective care and are not being abused within the workplace?
  • The Cleaners Union can provide this guarantee. Everyone has a duty of care, and this includes not only Cleaning agencies, but also those that are employing cleaning agency services. This duty of care is to ensure that cleaners are not being mistreated.
  • Have you checked that the cleaners working for you are being treated well?
  • Contact the Cleaners Union at  contact to see if the union is recognised by your cleaning agency. 

Ensure your cleaners are being treated ethically.

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