
A Union just for cleaners

Do you have a grievance?

You can raise any grievances you have with your employer when you have concerns about your workplace interactions or outputs. You can also use the grievance procedure in your workplace to raise any issues relating to the terms and conditions of your contract or employment. The best method to resolve disputes is internally and informally before taking a formal route.

  • Working Conditions
  • Wages
  • Terms of contract/employment
  • Disagreement with colleagues
  • Unfair treatment at work
  • Disagreement with managers
  • Workplace harassment or discrimination
  • You can raise a formal grievance in writing
  • Once you have submitted your grievance, an investigatory meeting or other similar action may start to further investigate your complaint.
  • When the investigation or meeting is completed, a hearing should be held to consider the complaint put forward.
  • You and a trade union representative or workplace colleague have the right to attend this hearing.
  • After consideration of the issue the employer will make a decision whether to uphold the grievance or not. The outcome of this decision should be confirmed to you in writing.
  • If your grievance is not upheld, then you can appeal this decision. This is laid out clearly on the ACAS website.
  • [ACAS Code of Practice on Grievance Procedures]
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution [Clicking takes to ADR Page]
    • If your grievances cannot be solved through the formal grievance procedure you may look to seek out alternative forms of dispute resolution. This could be mediation or arbitration which will allow both parties to discuss their issues and help them solve their disputes.
    • With our partnership with CADRE we already have ADR experts available to help resolve your issues. This method of dispute resolution is much faster than using employment tribunals and much more informal. If you are a member of the Cleaners Union then you will have availability to CADRE effective immediately upon joining and have access to ADR experts to support you in your workplace disputes.
  • Employment Tribunals [Clicking takes to page on Tribunals]
  • For other methods of dispute resolution, we strongly advise seeking support from the Cleaners Union for further assistance in your situation.

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